An oldy but goody in my book.
I went to a party last Friday. I don't like talking to people I don't know so I sat by the computer while others played beer bong and rage cage. A girl was sitting next to me. She said, "I just think it's like high school." It was exactly like that. I was in charge of djaying--- this was before the foreign kids showed and it got fun. I put on music like this-- angst with a beat. I like to listen to music because it makes me feel happy and sad at the same time. It's my favorite feeling. People got drunk around me and I had a beer in my hand. It was dark, crowded, smelly, and I was a part of it, but I still feel shy most of the time. Being shy is being vain. I read that once. It was a fun night though. I would do it again in a heart beat.

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