There is a cool article on Mutant Girls Squad, a new Japanese horror romp, over on Stigmatophilia. I have a hard time getting into these movies. I have grown to avoid gore. Nothing against those who enjoy it, I just don't, and I sort of love that the author of the review takes pleasure in abhorrent things:
What you certainly won’t be if you decide to check this movie out is bored. Where else can you see the aforementioned chainsaw ass woman (yes we were quite impressed with that one!), people blown up by a massive baby’s head, a giant pair of acid-milk squirting boobs, someone pummelled in the face by detached rocket feet, or a man with a weird bunch of creatures for his nipples and crotch? Mutant Girls Squad is where it is if you want to immerse yourself in copious amounts of blood, violence, and gore with some of the most far out mutants ever to have graced the silver screen. This feature was one of those rare movies you can just get lost in, a definate must, just enjoy, prepare to be baffled and have fun with this splatterific piece of pure indulgence.
What interested me about the film is the mutants. One thing that always bothered me about the X-Men was the lack of variety of powers. Yeah, they got the sewer mutants, the bone-marrow dude, etc. but wouldn't it be cool to follow a team of absolute weirdos-- tentacles, Total Recall babies, blood drinkers, chicken wings, or super-sensed samurai with cat eyes. The possibilities are endless. Think of The Island of Dr. Moreau stories, the Gattica tales. They could run into real Greek horrors-- a cyclops, a Medusa, a Circe-- and these characters could be actual people. Medusa is just a teenage girl who can't control her powers, much like Rogue. What about the sex industry in mutant America? What would that be like? And there has to be people with completely mundane powers like blinking traffic lights red or snapping their fingers and making everything clean. But honestly I want the crazy powers... the acid-spewing bikers, the little person who can morph into a giant skeleton horror, the hairy-backed pig-man with the dirty sun glasses, the Siamese twins with complimenting powers...
I want to see that book, Marvel. I would buy it-- I love world-building and want to see the big two do more of it. I like Superman and Wonder Woman because of it. Soule's series tries to bring the worlds together-- I actually am looking forward to this five year forward thing DC has brewing. The characters have become somewhat stagnant, but here's my idea:
What if at the end of Forever Evil the heroes win? What would happen? What would Superman do? What would Batman, the Flash, Wonder Woman, what would any of them do? Isn't that an interesting story? Five years after the villains are gone, Superman is living on a ranch with a kid of his own. He has married and settled down. He is happy. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne is in Gotham drinking whiskey. He has lost his purpose. We see what all the heroes are like-- I mean it wouldn't stay like this for too long, but I would love if Superman had something to lose in a son. Or what if Batman is an alcoholic without a purpose? I just want a hammer in the status quo. It's the new 52, let's do something interesting. And beyond that, it gives the DC universe a history. Like I said, I love world building.
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