Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Marvel shows off extended Avengers 2 trailer

I am loving these extended Avengers trailers, and I think it's mostly because of James Spader. That voice is distinct. It grabs me by the testicles like a vice, doesn't let go until I am screaming like a school-girl, and then when you see Ultron at the end. He looks creepy as hell-- glowing eyes, menacing pose as if the view is looking up at him. It's demonic, but also fun.

In this trailer we also get a longer look at the Korean actress, Claudia Kim, and a few more lingering shots of the party and Ultron's speech. It was posted by JoBlo this morning. No one seems to be quite sure it's origin beyond that. Here it is:

I am excited for this movie. Marvel and Disney have sold their soul to the devil. They can't seem to do anything wrong. Tell me what you think below.